Wednesday 22nd July Race Report

Covid-19 Wednesday Race 2

Not just sunny but warm with a useful little breeze, a sailing afternoon hard to improve on. But humans are error prone and errors were committed. The Commodore set the course, beating via West to Far, reaching/running back via Inlet, including the instruction to leave Middle to starboard when it should have been to port. This meant, if the fleet was to go round this buoy at all, a 450 degree turn and was largely responsible for a collision between Paul Anderson (Laser Full) and Robin Spiller (Streaker), the first collision, Paul claimed, in his fifty years on the water. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) started well and soon established a lead in front of Linda Spiller. Behind them Adam Hilton’s Solo was swapping places with the Streaker and the big-sailed Laser. John Dabbs Gull brought up the rear

UTLSC PNs – Midweek Mug

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 0:45:16 0:40:36 1.0
2 John Dabbs GULL 1365 1:00:00 0:43:57 2.0
3 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 0:49:09 0:44:05 3.0
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:50:36 0:44:14 4.0
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 RET 9.0

Personal PNs – TeaTime Tankard

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1066 0:45:16 0:42:28 1.0
2 John Dabbs GULL 1364 1:00:00 0:43:59 2.0
3 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 0:49:09 0:44:05 3.0
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:50:36 0:44:33 4.0
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 RET 9.0

Thanks to the Commodore who started the race, sprinted for his boat and collected the finishing times afterwards.