26th July 2020 Race Report

Covid-19 Sunday Race 4

A grim weather forecast of grey skies and thirty mile an hour wind gusts probably accounted for the small number of boats taking the start. Bob Sampson was in his full-sailed Laser, Jane Anderson in her Laser 4.7, Adam Hilton in his Solo and Vicki Duncalf in her Topper. John Dabbs thought better of taking out his Bosun single-handed.

Some of the gusts were no doubt coming across the water at thirty miles an hour from the south west as forecast but the most notable thing about the wind was that it couldn’t decide what speed to adopt or direction to come from. It gusted and dropped and veered; there was absolutely no time to wonder what to have with the teacake when one got home; total concentration was needed. On the other hand, on the long reach back from Far, the boats were gloriously up on the plane for, it felt, hours at a time! Actually no time at all; three laps of a course stretching the whole length of the Lake went by in a little over half an hour.

Bob Sampson’s Laser generally led but it was not a day for the big sail, he couldn’t achieve his theoretical speed advantage and the corrected time only put him two seconds in front of the Solo, whose 8.7 square metres of sail was not what you needed on the day either. Jane Anderson’s 4.7 was much better adapted to the circumstances and the Topper did much better when the handicaps were applied, although a moment’s inattention had up-ended Vicki Duncalf just before the end.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 0:35:01 0:29:26
2 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:41:31 0:31:07
3 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:34:22 0:31:58
4 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:36:37 0:32:00

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 0:41:31 0:30:20
2 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 0:35:01 0:31:18
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:36:37 0:32:14
4 Bob Sampson LASER 1049 0:34:22 0:32:46

Covid-19 Sunday Race 5

The wind remained unchanged in its changeability. The little fleet bucketed across to West, zoomed off to Far and then began the straight but highly varied journey to Dam Green. At the beginning, the wind channelled between the hills, it was a beat. Next, in the middle of the Lake, was the time for planing. Finally the reach towards the Dam might still be fast or could take a while depending on whether the wind deigned to send its puff up there or not. Bob Sampson had changed to a 4.7 sail and did much better. He was not without competition from Jane Anderson but he led at the end of each lap. The Solo’s three minute lead over the Topper on the water was reduced to a minute and a half deficit by the handicaps.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1190 0:33:08 0:27:51
2 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 0:33:36 0:28:14
3 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:39:44 0:29:47
4 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:36:51 0:32:13


Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 0:39:44 0:29:01
2 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1129 0:33:08 0:29:21
3 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 0:33:36 0:30:02
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:36:51 0:32:26

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

Many thanks to John Duncalf who ran the races and to his assistant John Dabbs.