Boxing Day 2022

by Adam Hilton

Bob Sampson

Sailing on Boxing Day has long been a tradition of the Tamar Lake club and this Boxing Day was no exception. However the still present virus, family commitments and like impediments reduced the numbers of members attending to about a dozen. These few however were rewarded by a sparkling Lake, full of water with the excess cascading over the dam; such a pleasure to see after the miserable puddle of the drought-ridden summer which had meant that the racing season had to be cut short. Moreover the weather turned out sunny, not too cold and with sharp little north-westerly winds, perfect for propelling sailing dinghies up and down.

Two Bosun dinghies went out. John Dabbs took one of the Club’s Bosuns with Ethan Walker as crew. Adam Hilton’s Bosun had Anna Walker at the helm with her mother and the owner as crew. The little fleet took two tacks to get up to Far buoy, then reached back towards the Dam, turned and repeated the exercise. The Club’s always fast, pale blue Rob Eason Bosun easily out-paced the Hilton boat. The crews came off the water beaming; so grateful to have been back on the water  at Tamar Lake. Roll on the spring and the new racing season!