19th March 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

For the first race of the season, the first for the Barnwell Cup, a hazy sun was out, the winds were from West North West and blowing a little more strongly than the 7mph forecast. A very full Tamar Lake had blessedly few other users.

John Dabbs took out his Bosun with Karl Moss, a welcome newcomer from Bradworthy as crew. Jane and Paul Anderson, after a 2022 of barely setting foot in a boat, took out their Lasers, hers with a Radial sail, his with a full size. Finally, Dave Perrett and Adam Hilton had their Solos on the water. There would have been more if half the Club had not been suffering from one bug or another.

Bob Sampson set a course that entailed a beat up to West, a gybe and a short run across to Middle, then more beating up to Pinky. Coming back south meant reaching to the point before the Inlet, then a tricky little passage of sailing by the lee or coping with an unpredictable gybe before rounding Inlet buoy. Crossing to Zebra was an invigorating passage, the lighter boats on the edge of planning, after which the run to Dam Green was relaxing until another gybe around that buoy before competitors re-crossed the start line.

Jane Anderson was the first to cross the start line, on starboard tack. Most of the rest of the field chose to start on port tack, with John Dabbs second over the line and Adam Hilton third. Dave Perrett started on the near side of the startline when the course stated that he should have crossed on the far side. He lost time going back. Paul Anderson’s rudder was unwilling to remain properly attached to his boat. He lost time too. Jane Anderson was the first to round the first buoy with Adam Hilton second and John Dabbs third. Paul Anderson was catching up the Perrett Solo but didn’t get past until after Inlet. Thereafter the order remained the same but there was still plenty of racing going on. The Dabbs Bosun was close enough to the leaders at the end of the first lap for the handicap to have given him victory if the race had ended then. Equally Adam Hilton would have won on handicap if the race had ended after two laps. But it didn’t and after three laps Jane Anderson’s lead was a secure one minute and seventeen seconds

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. John Dabbs and Karl Moss (Bosun)
  4. Paul Anderson (Laser Full)
  5. Dave Perrett (Solo)

Bob Sampson kindly ran the race.