26th March 2023 Race Report

Jane Anderson, sailing her Topper, was first across the start line and led every tack, reach and run of this four lap race, this despite her craft being, according to the handicaps, the slowest boat on the water. The wind was blowing at highly variable strengths and from highly variable points around East North East. It made a grey Tamar Lake feel distinctly cold.

The course took the fleet around Zebra and to Inlet, a couple of tacks. Then it was a run to West before more tacks to Pinky and a run back to Dam Green. Roger Heasman and Dave Perrett in the Bosun were second around Inlet. Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer in another Bosun were next, although soon to be overtaken by John Dabbs and Linda Spiller in the third of the Bosun fleet. Geoff Floyd followed, the Solo hard to handle in the gusts even with a small sail.

The order remained the same at the end of lap 1 but at the end of lap 2 the Dabbs/Spiller Bosun had overtaken its Heasman/Spiller sister.  The third Bosun was losing a lot of ground with the Solo still further back. The Solo retired after a capsize on lap 2 and the lagging Bosun lost broke its tiller and was obliged to beach on lap 3. The leading trio remained close; Heasman and Dabbs swapping places from time to time. All three crossed the finish line within twenty seconds of each other.

Many thanks were given to Paul Anderson who ran the race.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson TOPPER 1335 0.46.01 0.34.28
2 Roger Heasman Dave Perrett BOSUN 1228 0.46.10 0.37.36
3 John Dabbs Linda Spiller BOSUN 1228 0.46.22 0.37.45
Adam Hilton Leila Farmer BOSUN 1228 RET
Geoff Floyd SOLO 1143 RET
Paul Anderson OOD

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2