
Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club

Looking To Grow Membership Numbers.

Along with a lot of other clubs in this Country over the last four years, and especially as a result of Covid, Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club has seen a decline in it’s membership numbers.

Towards the end of the last season, the Club carried out a recruitment exercise by doing an exhibition at RHS Rosemoor and by a lot of digital marketing.  Both activities have seen a fruitful response and last Sunday the 17th March the Club held a gathering to bring together existing Club members and the potential new sailing members. Held in the afternoon and with the sun shining over Upper Tamar Lake, the new recruits and the club members who will be supporting them to become dinghy sailors, got to meet up at the Lake Activities Centre. To make it clear which people are Club members, existing members all wore the club yellow tabards. As part of the activity the new recruits were shown the boats that the club use to get people starting out with sailing and enjoying being on the water.

Everybody had an afternoon with tea and cakes provided and the Sailing Club is hopeful that some of the new recruits will get into regular dinghy racing on the lake with the Club, as well as enjoying casual sailing.

For further information on how to get into dinghy sailing regularly on the lake please go to the website or contact Roger Heasman on 07974214326.

22 Mar 24