Christmas Dinner 2016 at ‘The Weir’

Thanks to Vice-Commodore for the following report, written primarily for the Bude and Stratton Post (hence the reference to ‘regular readers’ etc)

In p1330080-resized_small2016 those enthusiasts at the Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club promoted almost a hundred races in a dozen series as well as staging another dozen or so ‘social’ events that were often as strenuous as their sailing. On Saturday 4 December some fifty members of the Club assembled to celebrate a successful year, to present trophies to the many winners of these contests, to eat a fine three course Christmas dinner and to shake a festive leg on the dance floor. The venue was The Weir, the stunning glass-walled restaurant (and wildlife centre) a little way up the river from Bude. The members were perhaps a little unused to seeing each other in heels, dresses, collars and ties rather than in waterproof, breathable coveralls and rubber boots, Sue Murray, Commodore of the Club, looking particularly fine in a puce lace dress. They were soon raising a fine hubbub and attacking their dinners. The presentation of cups followed. Regular readers of the year’s race reports will not be surprised to learn that many awards were made to Jane Anderson, sadly not present this year, nor that the Pollard family – young James and Nathan together with, this year, their father Brian, were also major recipients. The Club has an admirable record for promoting and rewarding junior sailors and there was a big welcome for the winners of the Peter Pocock Cup, joint winners this year: Raily Graham and Arne Hamer. When the trophies were all presented the Club’s tame disc jockey, John Weller, started the dancing music; a rockabilly soundtrack that made clear that the sailing club has been thoroughly infiltrated by members of the Bude Jive Club! The Club’s gratitude to Linda Spiller, Rear Commodore, for organizing this event and all the other social occasions, was expressed as well as thanks to Mandy Pollard, the Club’s secretary and photographer extraordinaire!

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