13th August race reports

AM: Tamar Memorial Trophy 6

Light summery westerlies greeted seventeen sailors in fourteen dinghies on a Sunday of respite from the unseasonally strong winds of recent weeks. Several of these helms reached the line early and had to turn back, creating something of a mess on the start line from which emerged Jane Chadney (Laser) and John Buckett (Otter) with Roger Heasman’s Streaker well up and Elliot Pomeroy’s Topper sneaking between the leaders – an indication of things to come. The Bosun led a pack of Lasers with mixed in Rob Spiller’s Streaker, Paul Whybrow’s Solo the Comber/Weller Enterprise and John Dabbs’ Gull. At the end of the lap Jane Chadney led the race with Bob Sampson (Laser) emerging from the fleet to chase her. She held the lead still at the end of the second lap but lost it to Bob at the start of the third. Rob Spiller was third for a lap but was passed by Linda Spiller (Laser) and Graham Joyce (Laser) on lap 2 and Paul Whybrow (Solo) on lap 3. Graham finished a fine race third on the water. At the back of the field Elliot Pomeroy, John Dabbs (Gull) and John Buckett’s Otter circulated serenely, the Pomeroy Topper finishing nearly a quarter of an hour after Bob Sampson. However the handicap reversed all this, making Eliot the winner, John Dabbs third and John Buckett fourth. Of the front runners only the Solo’s handicap gained Paul Whybrow places; he was awarded second.



1. Elliot Pomeroy (Topper)

2. Paul Whybrow (Solo)

3. John Dabbs (Gull)

4. John Buckett (Otter)

5. Robin Spiller (Streaker)

6. Bob Sampson (Laser)

7. Jane Chadney (Laser)

8. Graham Joyce (Laser) 9. Linda Spiller (Laser)

10. Roger Heasman (Streaker)

11. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)

12. Alan Comber and John Weller (Enterprise)

13. Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Tasar)

Adam Hilton and Tim Mansfield (Bosun) rtd

PM: Pursuit 7

The wind had freshened a little and provided very agreeable sailing for the pursuit race. John Duncalf in his Topper started first but was overtaken during the first lap by John Dabbs’ Gull and John Buckett’s Otter. By the end of the second lap positions had changed again with Robin Spiller (Streaker) pulling ahead of John Buckett’s Otter while being closely pursued by Alan Comber’s Enterprise. The Solos of Paul Whybrow and Adam Hilton, which had started at the same time, seemed joined by a short piece of elastic which stretched a little on the beat and brought them together again downwind. They followed Robin without ever seeming likely to catch him but Nathan Pollard, whose Laser had a full sail this time, was catching up right to the end.



1. Robin Spiller (Streaker)

2. Paul Whybrow (Solo)

3. Adam Hilton (Solo)

4. Nathan Pollard (Laser)

5. Jane Chadney (Laser)

6. John Buckett (Otter)

7. Alan Comber and John Weller (Enterprise)

8. Bob Sampson (Laser)

9. Linda Spiller (Laser)

10. Roger Heasman (Streaker)

11. Brian Pollard and Racael Pomeroy (Tasar)

12. John Dabbs (Gull)

13. Elliot Pomeroy (Topper)

14. John Duncalf (Topper)

Grateful thanks were given to Vicki Duncalf for officiating and writing this report and to Mandy Pollard for photos.

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