7th April 2019 Race Report

Cup 1

There was a lot of wind on the Lake, gusty, blustery wind coming from the east. Jane Anderson again joined Vicki Duncalf in Toppers, Bob Sampson had the smallest available sail on his Laser and various would-be single-handed racers fled to the comfort of Bosuns. The Herbert-Coulsons were unperturbed in their Wayfarer. The start was from the long Home 2 line, to give time and space for a reasonably orderly queue to form rounding Dam Green. The usual start line might well have caused first corner accidents like a motor race! Bob Sampson got away first, followed by Vicki Duncalf and Jane Anderson. And Bob, then Jane, got to Dam Green first followed by John Dabbs (with Adam Hilton and Penny Abbott) in the first of the Bosuns. The Wayfarer took an unlikely course to Dam Green but gained ground fast on the run to Zebra and was soon second. Jane Anderson settled into third, the position she held for the rest of the race. Roger Heasman (with Sally Wills and Geoff Floyd) gained the lead in the Bosun sub-race on lap 1. Brian Pollard was fast catching the other two Bosuns but still had Vicki Duncalf ahead in sixth at the end of lap 1 but he got past her on lap 2 and past the Dabbs/Abbott/Hilton Bosun on lap 4; they cemented their defeat by touching the buoy at Dam Green and having to do a penalty 360° turn.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  2. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  3. Mike and Viki Herbert-Coulson (Wayfarer)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. Roger Heasman, Sally Wills and Geof Floyd (Bosun)
  6. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  7. John Dabbs, Adam Hilton and Penny Abbott(Bosun)

Sailboat 1

Nathan Pollard added a second Laser 4.7 to the fleet and got off to a flyer with Bob Sampson and Jane Anderson following him. But Adam Hilton, now helming his Bosun, got round Dam Green in third and led the Bosun race from then on with, on lap 2, Jane Anderson’s Topper overtaking, but never pulling clear of, the Heasman/Pollard Bosun battle. Swooping past all of them from the rear at the start was the Herbert-Coulson’s Wayfarer which took up the lead on lap 2 and kept it. The handicap put the Wayfarer behind the Lasers.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser4.7)
  3. Mike and Viki Herbert-Coulson (Wayfarer)
  4. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  6. Adam Hilton, Penny Abbott and John Dabbs (Bosun)
  7. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  8. Roger Heasman, Sally Wills and Geoff Floyd (Bosun)

Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf and Paul Anderson who ran the races, to Toby Tobias and Paul Petvin for safety boat duties and to Mandy Pollard for photographs.