Wednesday 7th October 2020 Race Report


There was a lull between Tuesday’s gales and Thursday’s gales. Wednesday afternoon’s wind was westerly and so gentle that it took a minute or two to get from the pontoon, in of the lee of the hill, to waters supplied with motive power. However in the middle of the Lake there was quite enough wind to necessitate sitting on the gunwale.  Buddy sailing (with compulsory mast float) was ruled possible, but a short course – up to Home 2 across to West White and back to Dam Green – was thought advisable to keep the little fleet together.

John Dabbs, with Penny Abbott in the Bosun, was broadside to the starting line in front of the advancing fleet which consisted of Adam Hilton with Stephanie Clarke in the other Bosun, Bob Sampson in his Laser and Leila Farmer in her Hartley. John put the helm down and crossed the line first, but in the view of his crew, a second or two too early. After a certain amount of discussion he turned back, leaving Bob Sampson’s Laser to power away. The leg from the start to Home 2 was fairly close to the wind and Leila Farmer wasn’t risking pulling her mainsail in far enough to spell danger in gusts and so lost ground to leeward. On lap 2 Adam Hilton touched the buoy at West White and after a certain amount of discussion with his crew did a penalty turn, nearly lapsing into irons in the process. His Bosun’s substantial lead over the sister Bosun was reduced but not lost. Laps were going by quickly so, after a shouted discussion, the race was extended from three laps to four and would have needed more than that to reach the regulation hour. No finish times were taken.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser)
  2. Adam Hilton and Stephanie Clarke (Bosun)
  3. John Dabbs and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  4. Leila Farmer (Hartley 12)

Many thanks to Jon Cefai (Commodore’s son-in-law) who took the pics.