21st August 2022 Race Report

Roadford Lake Sailing Club August Series

While Upper Tamar Lake remains the unsailable Upper Tamar Pond a number of club members have taken their boats to Roadford Lake where the sailing club has been generous in its welcome and invitation to join in their races without fuss or formality. And so on Sunday 21st five Tamar boats signed on for that day’s RLSC August series; two races run back-to-back. John Dabbs had brought his Bosun and Cilla Gilbert had offered to crew. There were two Lasers; Bob Sampson’s Full and Linda Spiller’s Radial. Robin Spiller had his Streaker and Adam Hilton his Solo. Geoff Floyd had taken his Solo to Roadford but wasn’t available that Sunday.

Roadford Lake was massively down from full but it’s a very large lake and there was plenty of water to sail on; indeed without coming anywhere near using the extremities of the lake the course had legs of unfamiliar length, somewhat disturbing when helms were not at all sure which buoy they were aiming at until the leader rounded it, particularly when the course was changed after the first race without anyone being able to go ashore to look at it on a plan or even borrow a pen to write it down! The wind varied from barely present to squally with accompanying rain.

The RLSC fleet at present seems to consist of Supernovas (racing with a 1077 handicap), Lasers (on the national 1100 handicap) and a lone Wayfarer. The home team won both races; Bob Sampson however, was up there with the leaders, fourth in the first race and third in the second.


Race 1

4th      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

7th      Adam Hilton (Solo)

8th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

10th    John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

11th    Robin Spiller (Streaker)


Race 2

3rd      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

5th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

8th      John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)