21st May 2023 Race Report

by Jane Anderson


Mandy Pollard


Barnwell 8

With 8 boats setting off in a light to moderate breeze, it was Brian Pollard and crew Cilla who were first away at the start line, with the Lasers of Nathan Pollard (Full Rig) and Jane Anderson (Radial) in hot pursuit.  These 3 stayed together as the fleet progressed up the lake, followed by a fleet of Bosuns in full racing challenge mode.  John Dabbs with crew Penny were first in this group until a wrong rounding of Home buoy (together with Graham Joyce in his Laser who joined them) meant that both boats had to undo their course and re-round the buoy correctly, thus loosing precious time!  In lap 2 Nathan extended a slender lead ahead of Jane and Bob. Colin and Louise Witchell were going very well in their Bosun in what was becoming tricky and gusty sailing conditions in the ENE’ly strengthening breeze.  At the top of the lake, Graham, in his full rig Laser, came to grief and capsized during one of the many  unpredictable gusts which were developing.  He did manage to right his boat and carry on his way, but eventually retired.  After the handicaps had been applied to the finishing times the results were as follows:

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1111 0:42:36 0:38:21
2 Nathan Pollard LASER 1076 0:41:37 0:38:41
3 Bob Sampson LASER 1076 0:42:21 0:39:22
4 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1228 0:49:43 0:40:29
5 John Dabbs Penny Abbott BOSUN 1228 0:49:57 0:40:41
6 Colin Witchell Louise Witchell BOSUN 1228 0:56:49 0:46:16
7 Dave Perrett SOLO 1143 0:57:52 0:50:38
8 Graham Joyce LASER 1076 RET


Sailboat 8

Bob Sampson (Laser Full) was first away this time, with Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) and Nathan Pollard (Laser Full) in pursuit.  Linder Spiller joined the fleet in her Laser Radial, but the gusty conditions had strengthened over the lunchtime period, making this race rather a fight to stay upright. The rapid oscillating gusty winds had come round more to the north as the developing afternoon sea breeze interacted with the prevailing Ene’ly.   This made racing quite a challenge at the northern end of the lake as the winds whipped up and then vanished just as quickly!  In lap 2 Jane lost ground rounding a mark the wrong way and then having to return to correct the error.  This led to a battle being set up between her and Linda Spiller in her Laser Radial.  Both by this time were struggling in the heavy gusts.  Meanwhile, John Dabbs and crew Penny were sailing very well and were now competing with the 2 ladies in their Laser R’s.  At the front of the fleet, Bob and Nathan were having their own battle for first place, Nathan nipping in and taking the lead at the last mark to attain first place!

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Nathan Pollard LASER 1076 0:50:45 0:47:10
2 Bob Sampson LASER 1076 0:50:56 0:47:20
3 John Dabbs Penny Abbott BOSUN 1228 0:58:29 0:47:37
4 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1228 0:59:31 0:48:28
5 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1111 0:54:53 0:49:24
6 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1111 0:55:34 0:50:01
7 Dave Perrett SOLO 1143 1:00:18 0:52:45

Grateful thanks to Vicki Duncalf who was race officer for the day, and kept a steadfast lookout for us all as we made our way around the course in some quite challenging conditions!