9th April 2017 race report

AM: Tamar Memorial Trophy 2

James Pollard (Laser) was the first of fifteen boats over the line in a start which saw
half the fleet start on starboard tack, half on port with resultant conflicts. James was
still leading after the beat to West White in a Force 4 wind with the fleet spread out all
over the middle of the Lake behind him but it was Jane Anderson (Radial) who led
back from the top of the Lake with James, his brother Nathan and Steve Axford in her
wake. The next bunch was led by Robin Spiller who kept an impressive fifth position
throughout and it was a cruel handicap which gave him ninth in the results. Next
came the Brian Pollard/Cilla Gilbert Bosun battling with the Pomeroy family in the
Club’s Wayfarer who also had equipment problems to deal with. Elliot and Rachael
were ahead of the Bosun at the end of lap 2 but down to 10th at the finish. In the
leading group Steve Axford led James Pollard and they pulled away from Nathan in
his Radial. That was the order at the finish with Jane Anderson serene in the lead.
Vicki and John Duncalf sailed a well-run convoy throughout the race while other
boats came and went around them. Their consistent sailing was reflected in the
results. Roger Heasman and Linda Spiller were in fierce contention throughout; the
Officers of the Day unable to separate their times at the finish and John Savage and
Geof Floyd chased each other in their Solos before a contretemps at Inlet caused
them to retire.


1.       Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
2.       Steve Axford (Laser)
3.       Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
4.       James Pollard (Laser)
5.       John Duncalf (Topper)
6.       Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
7.       Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
8.       John Dabbs (Gull)
9.       Robin Spiller (Streaker)
10.      Adam Hilton (Solo)
11.      Roger Heasman (Streaker)
12.      Elliot and Rachael Pomeroy (Wayfarer)
13.      Linda Spiller (Laser)
John Savage (Solo), Geoff Floyd (Solo)  rtd

PM: Commodore’s Cup 2

This time Jane Anderson was the only one of thirteen boats to start on starboard tack
but she was so quickly away that hardly any of the port tackers were disrupted. There
was some push and shove however and Steve Axford ended up doing penalty turns
for touching the Bosun. The Pollard brothers contended for who was to round West
White first; James had the lead at the end of the lap and Jane Anderson had
overtaken Nathan. Adam Hilton capsized his Solo at West White trying to avoid a
starboard Roger Heasman but recovered to ninth at the end of that first lap.  The
Solos ran together for much of the race with John Savage getting past Geoff Floyd
until his capsize and Adam eventually passing Paul Whybrow. The Streakers, Robin
Spiller and Roger Heasman, were also not far apart until Roger capsized at West
White on the last lap. They were hotly pursued by the lone Bosun and the Toppers
again ran together for most of the race.


1.       Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
2.       James Pollard (Laser)
3.       Steve Axford (Laser)
4.       Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
5.       Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
6.       John Duncalf (Topper)
7.       Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
8.       Robin Spiller (Streaker)
9.       Adam Hilton (Solo)
10.      Paul Whybrow (Solo)
11.      Roger Heasman (Streaker)
12.       Geoff Floyd (Solo)
John Savage (Solo) rtd

Many thanks were given to Raily Graham and Jane Chadney, Officers of the Day,
and to Mandy Pollard (photography).

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