11th October 2015 gallery images Linda Spiller gets away first in her new Laser in the second of the Icicle series, with Nathan Pollard and Jane Chadney just behind Around Dam Green and heading to West Red, Jane Chadney already has the RS 200’s pink asymmetric spinnaker pulling, but Rachel Pomeroy is just behind in club Bosun the ‘Rob Eason’ It’s presumably an optical illusion, but it looks uncannily as if the Bosun (and also Linda Spiller’s Laser) both have seagulls taking a ride on their dinghies (and no, nobody has been fiddling with Photoshop….) Elliot Pomeroy, with Kian Downes as crew, looking comfortable in the ‘Mike Ford’ Jane Anderson is showing ahead of the fleet, but is slightly down to leeward as the whole fleet forms a procession at the upwind end of the start line in Frostbite 2, but Vicki’s Topper seems to be well placed to windward With a 15-strong fleet and only a short beat to Dam Green, there’s lots of pressure to get in the right place to squeeze round the mark; here, Paul Whybrow’s Solo heads a tightly-packed group of eight boats as they head for Home 2 Geoff Floyd gliding along in his Solo, just in front of new member Mike Coulson, who is testing out his new sail in the Laser Pico and is apparently the only one of this trio to have found a temporary gust of wind If they ever invent a new sport of synchronised sailing, it looks as though Rachael and Vicki would be naturals at it