Wednesday 14th October 2020 Race Report



The sun shone and the wind was blowing from the south-east when all the forecasts had said it would come from the north-east. It was brisk; strong enough for Bob Sampson to say buddy sailing wouldn’t be safe and that he would man the safety boat. Thank you Bob. Robin Spiller, volunteer OOD – thank you Robin 

– designed a short course that went south to Dam Green, west to West White, as far north as Middle and back by way of Inlet White, the inlet being mercifully free of anglers for once.

John Dabbs, with Adam Hilton crewing the Bosun, was first over the starting line with Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) next and Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7) following. John gave the Lasers too much water at Dam Green and they went past. And that was the order for the next two laps, but on lap 3 Linda overtook Sue near West White. The order stayed the same thereafter.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1190 0:34:00 0:28:34
2 Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1190 0:34:24 0:28:54
3 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 0:36:16 0:29:23
4 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1133 OOD
5 Bob Sampson LASER 1075 OOD

Many thanks to Bob Sampson in the safety boat and Robin Spiller in the race hut.