Wednesday 23rd June 2021 Race Report

Teatime Tankard 2

It was a bright day, not particularly warm because sharp little breezes, somewhat stronger than the 9mph forecast, from the north and west kept the temperature down. Sue Murray, who was running the afternoon’s races, set a course that went up to Pinky, came back to West, across to Inlet and back to Dam Green, a good course providing all the beats, runs, reaches, and gybes that you could want, but requiring nine buoys to define it, more than a wrist could comfortably hold. The Commodore’s afternoon had not started well when he set off from land with the bungs on their little strings trailing behind the Solo, but that rectified, he got a good start, on starboard, beating out to the west before going about and making a useful tack, well to windward, up the Lake. The Solo was pointing so well that it was to the west (starboard) of Home 2, which the course required be left to port. Linda Spiller (prudently flying a 4.7 on her Laser) generously pointed this out and the Solo returned to have another go but not correctly and the OOD subsequently had to ‘retire’ it. The 4.7 got to Pinky first, then the Solo. John Dabbs, with Jane Chadney, was leading the Bosuns with Bob Sampson (Stephanie Clarke as crew) next. Roger Heasman’s Bosun spent the afternoon refusing to point as high as its sisters; he followed with Leila Farmer’s Hartley 12 at the rear and the Chatterton Enterprise sometimes following along.

On Lap2  the Commodore overtook the 4.7 only to need Linda to remind him to go the right side of Home 1. Doing so put him back among the Bosuns which were now being led by Bob Sampson until his main sheet grazed Zebra and he was delayed doing a 360, leaving John Dabbs to lead the Bosuns from then on. More helms missed Home 2. On Lap 3 the Solo was hauled by its big sail past Linda Spiller’s Laser but despite her being the first of only three legal finishers, the handicap placed her behind the Bosuns.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 John Dabbs Jane Chadney BOSUN 1233 0:49:55 0:40:29
2 Bob Sampson Stephanie Clarke BOSUN 1233 0:55:45 0:45:13
3 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1188 0:54:16 0:45:41
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 RET
4 Roger Heasman BOSUN 1233 RET
4 Leila Farmer HARTLEY 12.2 1188 RET

Teatime Plate 5

The fleet was reduced to four boats; three Bosuns and the Laser 4.7. Bob Sampson crossed the line first closely followed by Roger Heasman (now with Adam Hilton sitting on his front thwart), John Dabbs and then Linda Spiller. Home 2 was no longer a mark of the course which seemed to enable everyone to keep clear and the right side of all the buoys. Linda Spiller made up for her start by getting to the top of the course first and continued to increase her lead. Bob Sampson stayed as lead Bosun with John Dabbs half a minute behind and Roger Heasman’s Bosun still refused to point. Finishing was difficult; having rounded Dam Green and hardened up, skippers tacked towards the pontoon, went about and tended to find themselves on a beat parallel to the finish line! Another tack was required to cross it. With handicaps applied Linda’s lead was reduced from nearly two minutes to just three seconds!

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1188 0:45:30 0:38:18
2 Bob Sampson Stephanie Clarke BOSUN 1233 0:47:17 0:38:21
3 John Dabbs Jane Chadney BOSUN 1233 0:47:32 0:38:33
4 Roger Heasman Adam Hilton BOSUN 1233 0:50:57 0:41:19

Thank you, Sue Murray, for running the races.