Bosuns Blue-Green 7
Bob Sampson and Sue Murray had the centre-sheeted Club Bosun and got over the start line first in north-west winds perhaps a little lighter than forecast, rather pleasing winds in fact. John Dabbs with Linda Spiller were second, Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer were third and the Witchells, Colin at the helm, fourth. But these Bosuns can’t be relied on to keep a helm’s hard won position; Bob Sampson was back to third at the end of the first lap and Adam Hilton first, his Bosun having inched past on the long run back from Pinkie. The Hilton/Farmer advantage was thrown away at Dam Green and it was the Dabbs/Spiller boat which led at Pinkie, Bob and Adam following with Colin some way behind. The order stayed the same to the end of the second lap. On lap 3 the Hilton/Farmer boat was regaining ground when Bob Sampson called starboard to on the way to west and Adam went about only to go aground in the shallow waters west of West. He retired. The Dabbs/Spiller boat continued to lead to the end.
- John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
- Bob Sampson and Sue Murray (Bosun)
- Colin and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
Retired Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
Bosuns Blue-Green 8
Bob Sampson again got away well, tacking just before the start and beating away on port towards Zebra. John Dabbs followed in second with Louise Witchell, now helming, in third. At the buoy John Dabbs was ahead but well to leeward so that at West (and out of sight of the race hut) Bob was probably in the lead. Certainly he led at Pinkie and maintained the position until the end of the lap. However, on lap 2 John got ahead somewhere near West and maintained the lead up to Pinkie. The wind had shifted a little and the Bosun was goose-winged soon after rounding Pinkie. Bob had reduced the gap to the lead by the time they rounded Dam Green. Bob was again efficient going around the buoy, short tacked and took the lead only to throw it away again by forgetting to go the correct side of Zebra and having to go back. Dabbs/Spiller ended up with a long lead at the finish.
- John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
- Bob Sampson and Sue Murray (Bosun)
- Louise and Colin Witchell (Bosun)
Leila Farmer was needed on the water and so organised her OOD duties while crewing. Thank you Leila.