22nd May 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 8

Only 3 boats ventured out into today’s Force 3-4 NW wind under overcast skies. Anticipating a challenging sail, John had tucked a reef into his Bosun’s mainsail and Dave’s Solo showed up with a smaller sail. John’s Bosun got away first with the Leila as his crew, closely followed by Dave in his Solo. Louise, with Colin as her crew, and small sails followed in their Bosun. Soon after starting, Dave managed to point higher than John and began to pull ahead on the first beat to Inlet. Meanwhile, Louise and Colin were gamely sailing their own race in third position. On the long run downwind from Pinky to Dam Green, the Solo’s performance downwind enabled Dave to eke out further distance between him and John on the first lap. All boats held on to their race positions for the remaining two laps, although John managed to find a better wind on the last lap and stabalized the distance to Dave.

  1. John Dabbs/Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  2. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  3. Louise/Colin Witchell (Bosun)

Thanks go to Roger for his work as our OOD.