Social Programme 2016

Click on the blue title to read a news item on past events


Quiz Night – 26th January

At Meddon Village Hall

Organised by Roger Heasman


Skittles & Bring and Share Supper – Saturday February 24th at 7pm Launcells Parish Hall

A social get-together before the start of the sailing season

Organised by Mandy and Brian Pollard



A Life at Sea with Paul Anderson

Saturday March 17th

Grenville Rooms Kilkhampton 6.45pm for 7pm

Organised by Nicky Buckett


The Royal Opera House: Bernstein Centenary,

New Carlton Merlin Cinema, Okehampton – Tuesday 27th March

Organised by Jane Chadney



Croyde Walk – 21st April

Meet 11am at NT Baggy Point Car Park. (or 28th if the weather isn’t suitable on the 21st)

Organised by Jane Chadney



Anyone for Croquet?

Saturday May 5th at  the Old Tennis courts, Crooklets Road, Bude.

10.30am – 12.30pm

Organised by Penny Abbott

Click on the link to a Facebook page below to see more details – and also to click on the appropriate button to say whether or not you hope to be attending.

Click here to see and accept Facebook Event or Click here to email Penny


Push the Boat Out 12th May

The Royal Yachting Association’s Push the Boat Out Day is being staged at the Lake on Saturday 12 May this year and I shall need to recruit various Long John Silvers and Captains Pugwash for the day.

Please let Mandy know if you are available to help – all names gratefully received.



Gentle Kayak along the River Torridge

Saturday 9th June (1.30 to 4.45)

Skern Lodge

We need 6 or more participants to make this event financially viable and I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible if you are able to come along so that I may confirm the booking.

The cost will be £23 per head.

Detailed arrangements for the afternoon will follow as soon as I know that there is sufficient interest and the event is able to take place.

Kind regards

Geoff Floyd

Click here to email Geoff


Roadford Lake sailing 12-14 July (Thursday to Saturday)

Click on link above to read John Dabbs report of the event

Classic & Vintage Racing Dinghy Association Rally 2017
This is a very informal camping and sailing opportunity at SWLT’s Roadford Lake.  Participants are welcome to join in for all or any part of the “weekend”, whether you have your own boat there or not, camping or returning home each night as you wish.  Several members have boats stored at Roadford, and others may wish to bring their own boats from Tamar Lake so there should be plenty of opportunities for everyone to sail as helm or crew.
Roadford Lake will be hosting a Classic & Vintage Racing Dinghy Association Rally 14th- 15th June so this will certainly add some interest on the water – and also probably on the launching ramp!
Outline programme
  • Thursday 12 July: some people may want to bring their boat to Roadford during gthe afternoon/evening and possibly camp there overnight.
  • Friday 13 July: launch available boats for morning & afternoon sailing.  Picnic lunch at the launch site or at RoadfordLake cafe.  Evening bbq/meal at local pub.
  • Saturday 14 July: As Friday morning & afternoon sail.  Fun races if someone would like to organise them?   Evening bbq/meal at local pub.
  • Sunday 15 July: break camp for those still there, return home – usual racing at Upper Tamar lake for the racers amongst us.
If anyone has any ideas that they would like to be included, please let me know – I’m open to all suggestions!
Information required at this stage
I would be grateful if all those interested in this event would let me know by 31st May.  At this stage, I’m only seeking intentions so I get an idea of interest.  I’ll be seeking a more definite commitment later on.
  • Names
  • Attendance dates
  • Whether you intend to camp and if so, which nights.  Tent or campervan  (I’ve provisionally booked 4 non-serviced grass pitches)
  • Bring your own boat from Tamar Lake?
  • No boat, but would like to crew?
  • Prepared to tow a Club boat from Tamar lake?
  • Use your own boat, based at Roadford Lake?
  • Which nights (if any) you would prefer for the Roadford Lake bbq and pub evening
Please reply to me by email




Bude Boats and Barbecue - Friday August 10th

Photo taken from Visit Cornwall

Meet up at the Rowing Boathouse at 18:00 for rowing up the canal and BBQ about 19:30 at the Boathouse.

Bring and share food.

Car Park free from 18:00
Boat hire £3.00 per head children free.

Contact Bob Sampson   Click here to email Bob





Murder Mystery in Bude

Saturday 8th September

More details to follow but I am thinking

AM         Murder Mystery Treasure Trail

Picnic lunch above Crooklets Beach

PM         Body Boarding / Walk depending on tide, waves, weather etc.

Tea on my terrace


Click here to email Penny if you are interested in coming



Dartmoor Walk with Toby

Saturday 20th October

Three Tors plus One and back again….    

This is a steady accent to the highest point in the south west. Mostly on rough track, some open moorland, some rock hopping.
Approximately 7 miles.

Meet Okehampton Station at 10.00 for calls of nature & refreshments. Then drive up on to the moor, to the parking area at Grid ref 596923 (OS Explorer OL28 1.25000 scale), with the aim to wander off at 10.30. Take in the atmosphere & views (weather permitting) and a bit of exploring along the way. Stop for a picnic lunch at the high point. Then make our way back to the parking area and return to Okehampton Station for tea and cakes.

As usual good walking boots, wind & water proofs are a must.

Take additional warm clothing if required.
Ordnance Survey map of Dartmoor and an orienteering compass if you have one.
Don’t forget your lunch and drinks.


AGM, Bring and Share Supper followed by Skittles

Our Club AGM will be held at 7pm on Saturday 17th November 2018 at the Grenville Rooms, Kilkhampton followed by a “bring and share” supper and a game of skittles. We look forward to seeing as many club members as possible.

Organised by Rachael Pomeroy


Birdwatching Walk

With Cilla and Dave Gilbert

A Bird Watching trip to Bowling Marsh Green at Topsham

Friday 16th November

Meeting at Darts Farm for coffee and walking to Bowling Marsh about 20min walk spending a couple of hours there and then walking back to Darts Farm for lunch.

The high tide on the estuary is noon so I was thinking 10.15am at Darts Farm.

Darts Farm
Clyst St George
EX23 0QH


Christmas Meal and Trophy Presentation – Saturday 1st December at Holsworthy Golf Club 6.45pm for 7.15pm.

Music to follow

Organised by Annie Quartermain



BBQs We are again intending to look at the forecast on Thursday/Friday night and if the weather looks likely to be good, emailing round to have a BBQ that weekend. It should give everyone time to get BBQ food on Saturday. We may also trial a fish and chip meal after sailing or pizza – doing a run to collect an order from Kilkhampton. Again we would send an email round on the Friday evening to see who is interested.

Surfing If the surf is up we may meet up at Crooklets Beach with our boards.

Any more ideas very welcome!

If you have a suggestion and would like to help organise a walk/ outing/ meal please feel free to contact Mandy Pollard ( )