2nd April 2017 race report

AM: Tamar Memorial Trophy 1

Eleven boats took to the water on a beautiful day. The big Wayfarer of Sue Murray
and Bob Sampson dominated a fast starting bunch but they dirtied each other’s wind
and Jane Anderson, to windward in clean air, crossed the line first and reached the
first buoy in that position, followed by Adam Hilton’s Solo, Linda Spiller’s Laser and
Jane Chadney’s Radial. After that the wind disappeared, to make occasional visits in
little wafts and puffs from diverse directions. The first lap took the leader thirty three
minutes and five boats called it a day. On the long run back from up the Lake
towards the dam the wind, when it appeared at all, generally hit the back of the fleet
first and Jane Anderson found herself caught up and even headed on occasion but
she prevailed with Linda Spiller a fine second until at the last Jane Chadney caught
her on the line; the Officer of the Day unable to say who finished ahead. The
handicap, however, gave the Solo second place and Vicki Duncalf’s Topper fourth.


1.       Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
2.       Adam Hilton, (Solo)
3.       Jane Chadney (Laser Radial)
4.       Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
5.       Linda Spiller (Laser)
6.       Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)

Robin Spiller (Streaker), John Savage (Solo), Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun),
Paul Anderson (Laser) Sue Murray and Bob Sampson (Wayfarer) rtd

PM: Commodore 1

This was a more conventional race with helms being able to rely on some wind to
push their dinghies along and laps taking around a quarter of an hour. Again eleven
boats started but John Buckett’s Otter and Roger Heasman’s Streaker joined Paul
Whybrow as afternoon sailors. Vicki Duncalf was first over the line with Jane
Anderson next. Three Lasers – Nathan Pollard’s now with a full full-sized sail –
contested her lead. Nathan was second for a couple of laps then Jane Chadney took
over. Behind them the two Solos of Paul Whybrow and Adam Hilton raced each
other, Paul ahead on all but the third lap. Robin Spiller’s Streaker ended up in front of
Roger Heasman’s. The handicap took the Solos above all the Lasers except Jane


1.       Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
2.       Paul Whybrow (Solo)
3.       Adam Hilton (Solo)
4.       Jane Chadney (Laser Radial)
5.       Robin Spiller(Streaker)
6.       Nathan Pollard (Laser)
7.       John Buckett (Otter)
8.       Linda Spiller (Laser)
9.       Roger Heasman (Streaker)
10.   Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
Vicki Duncalf (Topper) rtd

Many thanks were given to John Duncalf, Officer of the Day, and to Mandy Pollard

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