23rd June 2019 Race Report

Ladies, Gents, Junior, Gosling 4

Another weather forecast of gusts twice the strength of the wind put helms into safer boats than in the event they needed. The winds were gentle, south-easterly and the gusts containable. Adam Hilton and Sally Wills in the Bosun were stalled on the start line next to the windward buoy when the horn blew, annoying Jane Anderson (Topper) and Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7) who were coming up fast. Jane Anderson was first round the first buoy but she was overtaken by the Hilton/Wills Bosun on the way to the top of the Lake. Cilla Gilbert with Brian Pollard crewing the Bosun got ahead but missed out Pinkie on the way back from Far allowing Linda Spiller, recovering from a slow first lap, to take the lead. The Hilton/Wills Bosun drifted to leeward after Far on Lap 3 (failure to lower the centreboard) which allowed Jane Anderson’s Topper to overtake before Pinkie. The order stayed the same but the Laser pulled away and the Bosun regained some ground.


  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
  3. Adam Hilton and Sally Wills (Bosun)

Retired: Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)

Pursuit 4

The wind had dropped further for the Pursuit race. Linda Spiller started first with, two minutes later, Jane Anderson and a minute after her, Brian Pollard , now with Cilla Gilbert crewing the Bosun. Sally Wills had the helm of the Adam Hilton Bosun and Nathan Pollard joined the fleet in his Laser (Full). On the first lap Brian Pollard got past Jane Anderson and Nathan Pollard got past Sally Wills. On the second Brian Pollard took the lead, which he retained. On the third Nathan Pollard, making full use of the speed of the big-sailed Laser, overtook Jane Anderson and, on the beat up to towards the Dam, had got ahead, in the judgement of those running the race (John Buckett and Graham Joyce) of Linda Spiller by the time the horn blew for the finish.

  1. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
  4. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  5. Sally Wills and Adam Hilton (Bosun)

Thanks  were given to John Buckett and Graham Joyce who ran the races and to Nicky Buckett for photography.