Wednesday 30th August 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Teacake 3

There were the same four Solos in this Wednesday race as there had been a week before. They were joined by Leila Farmer in her Laser Radial and by Roger Heasman’s Bosun helmed by Penny Abbott with Rick Thurlow crewing. It was hardly a summer’s day but it didn’t rain and the winds were gentle and steady by Tamar Lake standards. The course led from the far side of the starting line to Inlet buoy, tricky as ever, across the middle of the Lake to West White and up to Far buoy; a beat, a reach, a beat and a long run back to the Dam.

At the start Penny Abbott’s Bosun was first over the line but Adam Hilton’s Solo was soon beside it, pointing higher, and demanding water from the windward boat. Penny tacked away and allowed not one but two Solos to overtake. Dave Perrett’s Solo was the second to reach Inlet. Graham Joyce was the next Solo skipper to round Inlet and set off on the reach to West White. Leila Farmer followed leaving Geoff Floyd, after a terrible start, to bring up the rear.

The beginning of the second lap saw Dave Perrett gobble up the water between his Solo and the leading one, create an overlap at Inlet and round that buoy in the lead, only for the wind to abandon him and the previous order to be restored.

The third lap saw Leila Farmer asserting the Laser’s speed and overtaking the Bosun but Geoff Floyd being even more assertive and getting past both to finish third on the water. The handicap promptly pushed him back down to fourth. Graham Joyce admitted to sailing over West White buoy and needing to be disqualified.


  1. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  2. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  3. Penny Abbott and Rick Thurlow (Bosun)
  4. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  5. Leila Farmer (Laser Radial)

Disqualified: Graham Joyce (Solo)


Roger’s Bosuns 7

The course was shortened by only going as far north as Pinkie and by reducing the lap count to two. The fleet also was reduced to two Solos, Dave Perrett’s and Geoff Floyd’s, the Heasman Bosun, now with Rick Thurlow at the helm, and Leila Farmer’s Radial. Dave Perrett started last but was fortunate that the others were being pushed to leeward on the beat to Inlet; he was able to reach the buoy without wasting time in the Inlet doldrums and shake off his lousy start. But leading the race was of no use to him when he capsized ten metres from the finish line and needed the safety boat’s assistance to recover.

  1. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  2. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  3. Leila Farmer (Laser Radial)

Retired: Dave Perrett (Solo)

Many thanks to Louise and Colin Witchell who kindly ran the races.