10th September 2023 Race Report

by Jane Anderson

Mandy Pollard

Commodore 6

In a gentle breeze from the southeast, Dave Perrett was first across the line in his Solo; Jane Anderson (Laser |Full) close behind, and with Paul Anderson (Laser Full) and Mark (a sailing guest in a Laser 2) racing neck and neck together all the way round most of Lap 1.  Jane overtook Dave as the fleet moved up the lake, and then led to Middle Buoy, with Dave close behind.  As the next few laps progressed Jane pulled away from the fleet who were fighting their own small battles between each of the marks of the course.  Guest Mark sat in 3rd place with Paul in close company.  Behind them were Robin Spiller (Streaker), John Dabbs (Bosun), Rick and then Brian in Bosuns.  Mark remained ahead of Paul for the first lap and then Paul overtook him and so it remained for the rest of their racing together.  Meanwhile, Robin Spiller (Streaker) remained stubbornly in 5th place; Rick and Penny in their Bosun intertwined 6th and 7th positions, and Brian and Cilla remained steadfastly bringing up the rear, when usually they’re up fighting with the rest.  Jane eventually romped off and manage to lap the back end of the fleet to take first place.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER 1101 0:42:45 0:38:50
RET Dave Perrett SOLO 1142 0:46:27 0:40:40
2 Paul Anderson LASER 1101 0:47:09 0:42:49
RET Mark Rowan LASER 2 1085 0:47:23 0:43:40
RET Robin Spiller STREAKER 1128 0:49:31 0:43:54
3 John Dabbs Linda Spiller BOSUN 1198 0:53:46 0:44:53
4 Rick Thurlow Penny Abbott BOSUN 1198 0:54:06 0:45:10
5 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1198 0:57:57 0:48:22

Dave and Rob went the wrong side of the final mark so retired

Spalding Cup 6

At the teatime break between races, the wind died to nothing and as a consequence 8 boats drifted away from the start line and it took well over half an hour to make just one very slow lap of the course.  As a consequence, the Race Officer finished the Race at the end of lap 1 with the following results:


Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1186 0:25:20 0:21:22 1.0
2 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1111 0:25:41 0:23:07 2.0
3 John Dabbs  Leila Farmer BOSUN 1228 0:29:24 0:23:56 3.0
4 Dave Perrett SOLO 1143 0:28:10 0:24:39 4.0
5 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1135 0:28:51 0:25:25 5.0
RET Rowan Mark LASER 2 1085 0:28:39 0:26:24 6.0
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1228 0:33:05 0:26:56 7.0
7 Paul Anderson LASER RADIAL 1111 0:30:23 0:27:21 8.0
RET Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1335 RET 12.0
RET Penny Abbott Rick Thurlow BOSUN 1228 RET 12.0
Guests Mark & Rowan completed the races but were retired as they were guests and not competing in the Series.
Thanks to Graham Joyce for OOD duties, and to Mandy Pollard for her photo that speaks volumes!!