26th August 2018 race report

Cup 7

The Vice Commodore, as officer responsible for the sailing programme, arrived at Tamar Lakes not intending to race and not having any real expectation of seeing others brave enough to do so, with the prospect of driving rain and winds of force 4-5, gusting 6-7 forecast.  She was therefore surprised to see six sails already on the water, ready for a midday start as scheduled.  Admittedly the weather was not quite so harsh as predicted, but this was none the less another exhibition of stoicism by some of the most determined enthusiasts in the club.

Vicky Duncalf was enjoying the pre race “warm up” in her Topper, but reluctantly decided on a judicious retirement.  A few minutes later there was a well judged flying race start led by Jane Anderson’s Topper, closely followed by Nathan Pollard in a Laser Radial, Bob Sampson who had optimistically chosen a full sail for his Laser, then the two Bosuns of Adam Hilton/ John Dabbs and Brian Pollard/ Cilla Gilbert also both opting for a large sail area.  By the first buoy Nathan had overtaken Jane and as the small fleet approached the blustery centre of the lake, Bob had gained second place.

The course was narrow to avoid multiple fishing lines, culminating in a challenging gybe around “Pinkie” at the top of the lake.  Here Adam emerged clear of Jane who used all her skills to stay ahead of the other Bosun.  For the next two laps the race became more of a procession, with Nathan steadily extending his lead over a somewhat overpowered Bob…. until an unfortunate capsize.  Despite Nathan’s quick recovery and fight to the finish, Bob overtook, crossing the finish line ahead of him with Adam’s Bosun, the Topper and Brian’s Bosun in 3rd, 4th and 5th on the water.  With PY’s applied first and fourth places were reversed, giving Jane the victory.  A very well done to all.


1.  Jane Anderson  (Topper)

2.  Nathan Pollard  (Laser Radial)

3.  Adam Hilton & John Dabbs  (Bosun)

4.  Bob Sampson  (Laser Full)

5.  Brian Pollard & Cilla Gilbert  (Bosun)

Sailboat 7

Four crews initially signed up for a second race, but with damp encroaching even through dry suits, it seemed most had done so for the benefit of others and in the end there was not sufficient enthusiasm to take to the water again.

Many thanks to Penny Abbott for running the race and to Sally Wills for acting as photographer.