26 December 2018 race report


Racing on Boxing Day has long been a Tamar Lake tradition and this Boxing Day was mild and dry and grey and nearly windless. Not quite windless, fortunately, but the breaths coming over the dam from the south were very gentle and a lap of the course set by John Duncalf  (volunteer Officer of the Day) took the leaders a good half hour.

The start was achingly slow; after the horn blew hours seemed to pass before Bob Sampson (Laser Full) crossed the line. He was followed by the Club’s Bosun helmed by Cilla Gilbert with Brian Pollard crewing, by Nathan Pollard’s Laser Full, Linda Spiller’s similar boat, John Dabbs’ Gull and Vicki Duncalf’s Topper. By the time they were rounding Dam Green, the first buoy, Nathan Pollard was close behind Bob Sampson and the Bosun had slipped to fifth. The pattern of the race was established on the run to Middle; Nathan Pollard closed on Bob Sampson, Linda Spiller struggled to keep up whilst the Dabbs Gull succeeded. On the long beat back from Pinkie to the start line a good choice of tacks put Nathan Pollard in front of Bob Sampson only for a gust (if anything so gentle could be called a gust) to return Bob to the lead. Linda Spiller retired at the end of the lap, nursing a knee.

The second lap was blessed with a little more wind and was in consequence a touch faster but there were no changes to the race order, Bob Sampson finishing half a minute in front of Nathan Pollard. John Dabbs, who had indeed sailed consistently and well, was able to benefit from the Gull’s marvellous handicap and took the victory.

  1. John Dabbs (Gull)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)

Retired: Linda Spiller (Laser Full)

Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf for running the race, to Robin Spiller and James Pollard for manning the (unemployed) safety boat and to Mandy Pollard for taking the photographs.

2nd September 2018 race report

Ladies/ Gents/ Gosling 6


This gender dividing series is always keenly contested.  Rescheduled from a dismal, too-foggy-to-see day two weeks ago to a too-warm-for-wetsuit day, the challenge was somewhat different.  This was all about finding wind and keeping hold of it, around a course using only half the lake to avoid fishing lines.  Linda Spiller (Laser full) had a good start and was in the right place to negotiate a fairly direct route to round Dam Green buoy first.  Her advantage was short lived however and by the end of the first lap she had been overtaken by all five other (full rig) Lasers.  Of these Sue Murray and Jane Anderson took a strong lead but, preoccupied by their competition, they both missed a mark on lap 2, forcing them to retrace their course back through the advancing fleet.  Now at the front, brothers James and Nathan Pollard finished the lap “neck and neck”, Nathan choosing what proved to be a wiser tack and from then on he was never overtaken.  James then lost a place to Penny Abbott, both of them trying unsuccessfully to fend off Sue who had fought her way back up the “field”.

Meanwhile Robin Spiller (Streaker) followed but never quite caught up with the Lasers.  John Buckett was sailing his Otter at a pace defying it’s handicap, heading for an eventual second overall when PY’s were calculated.  Of the four Bosuns, only the duo of Sally Wills and Roger Heasman managed to get past him, Sally sailing on to be 8th on the water, but with a final very commendable placing of 1st Lady.  Geoff Floyd also managed to edge his Solo past the Otter at one stage, but spent most of the race jostling with Bosuns.  Alan Comber/ John Weller’s Enterprise struggled in the fickle breeze, eventually calling it a day and unfortunately after all her hard work, a check in the rule book showed Sue Murray had not fully corrected her course after missing that buoy, leading to her disqualification.


         1.  Nathan Pollard (Laser full)

        2.  John Buckett (Otter)

        3.  Robin Spiller (Streaker)

        4.  Sally Wills & Roger Heasman (Bosun)

        5.  Penny Abbott (Laser full)

        6.  James Pollard (Laser full)

        7.  Jane Anderson (Laser full)

        8.  Nicky Buckett & Bob Sampson (Bosun)

        9.  Toby Tobias (Bosun)

      10.  Linda Spiller (Laser full)

      11.  Geoff Floyd (Solo)

      12.  Cilla Gilbert & Brian Pollard (Bosun)


       Ret:  Alan Comber & John Weller (Enterprise)   Dsq:  Sue Murray (Laser full)


Tamar 9 


The same course was set, although the breeze had veered slightly to the SW.  First across the line was Jane Anderson (Laser full), followed by Sue Murray (now with a Laser radial rig) and Penny Abbott (Laser full).  All the others joined in the starboard tack to Dam Green and progressed in what was to become a sedate procession, the wind varying in strength from gentle to whisper and complicating matters by continuing to veer until north westerly by the end of the race.  Jane’s lead increased steadily, dramatically and seemingly without effort.  Only Sue managed to close the gap a little, too late to win on the water, but close enough to give her the victory on handicap.  Further back Penny Abbott (Laser full) edged further ahead of the ongoing battle between the other three Lasers, who “crawled” across the line close together.  However, Nathan Pollard had switched to a radial rig, giving him the competitive edge in final placings.  

John Buckett’s Otter again performed well against the Bosuns, which were in close contention throughout, Bob Sampson/ Nicky Buckett, Toby Tobias and Roger Heasman/ Sally Wills crossing the finish in a line-astern formation.  Neither of the Solos fared well without much in the way of breeze and with water levels unusually low, Robin Spiller’s Streaker went aground early in the race.  Whilst sorting out his dagger board, which had wedged against the boom, he noticed his rudder floating off and although the reassembled Streaker rejoined the race it made little progress at the rear and retired early.


        1.  Sue Murray (Laser radial)

        2.  Jane Anderson (Laser full)

        3.  John Buckett (Otter)

        4.  Penny Abbott (Laser full)

        5.  Nathan Pollard (Laser radial)

        6.  Bob Sampson & Nicky Buckett (Bosun)

        7.  Linda Spiller (Laser full)

        8.  James Pollard (Laser full)

        9.  Toby Tobias (Bosun)

      10.  Roger Sampson & Sally Wills (Bosun)

      11.  Brian Pollard & Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

      12.  John Savage (Solo)


       Ret:  Robin Spiller (Streaker) & Geoff Floyd (Solo)

Many thanks to John Dabbs and Kathy Wyke for acting as Officers of the Day and to Mandy Pollard for photographs.

11th November 2018 race report

Frostbite 7

For the last races of the season the fleet was made up of four Bosuns, two Toppers, a Laser Radial and a Laser Full. It was a day when the sun shone, the wind was south westerly and as fluky as wind can be. Vicky Duncalf’s Topper was the first to take off from the far side start line with second Adam Hilton at the helm of his Bosun, John Dabbs crewing, a foredeck behind. Nathan Pollard, braving the monstrous gusts in his Laser Full, started fifth but was soon past them on the way to Inlet and was first from then on, despite a couple of brief capsizes, with an eight minute lead at the end. For the rest Inlet was chaotic; the wind funnelled in between the two hillsides, accentuating the gusts and making it exceptionally hard to round the buoy and tack away. Several boats got stuck in irons, boats not stuck in irons ran into boats that were; the Hilton/Dabbs Bosun emerged still second. Subsequent laps at Inlet were hardly better but at least the fleet was more strung out by then. The retirements began. Toby Tobias was single-handed in his Bosun – he withdrew. Linda Spiller capsized at the end of lap 1 – she withdrew. At Far on lap 3 Sally Wills helming the Club’s Rob Eason Bosun, with Roger Heasman crewing, found herself holding a tiller without a rudder attached. They had to be towed home.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Adam Hilton and John Dabbs (Bosun)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

Retired: Toby Tobias (Bosun), Linda Spiller (Laser Radial), Sally Wills and Roger Heasman (Bosun)


Icicle 7

John Dabbs, now helming the Commodore’s Bosun, started first with next Vicki Duncalf. Nathan Pollard started third but got to Inlet first and was never subsequently headed. Linda Spiller started fifth but was second by the time they rounded West. Brian Pollard started nowhere but a gust or two got him coming up fast to leeward of the rest.  He overtook John Dabbs on the way to West but by then the Lasers were well away, Nathan leading Linda by a couple of minutes at the end of lap 1 and three at the finish. This was not enough to overcome the handicap difference. Linda kept her second place but Nathan was demoted to third. Jane Anderson who’d spent the race at fifth, constantly threatening the Dabbs Bosun in front of her, got moved up to first.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
  3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  6. John Dabbs and Adam Hilton (Bosun)

Special thanks to Nicky and John Buckett who were Officers of the Day, to Penny Abbott and Robin Spiller who were in the tug boat and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

4th November 2018 race report

Frostbite 6

 The start was towards the Dam, the winds being southerly and gentle, and Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) was the first of nine boats to cross the line, with Nathan Pollard (Laser Full) second and Sally Wills, helming the club’s Bosun with Roger Heasman as crew, third. This was a day when the few minutes after the starts were crucial and very little overtaking took place subsequently. By the end of the first lap Nathan Pollard had grabbed the lead from Jane Anderson and Adam Hilton (Solo) had cleared the rest of the fleet to follow behind these two leaders. Robin Spiller (Streaker) was next and Penny Abbott got her Laser Radial up to fifth ahead of the three Bosuns during the second lap. These laps were taking about twenty minutes and so the race officer shortened the contest to three of them. The Solo finished three minutes behind the leading Laser, little enough to give Adam Hilton the victory on handicap.

1.      Adam Hilton (Solo)

2.      Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)

3.      Robin Spiller (Streaker)

4.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)

5.      Sally Wills and Roger Heasman (Bosun)

6.      Jane Chadney and John Dabbs (Bosun)

7.      Penny Abbott (Laser Radial)

8.      Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)

9.      Vicki Duncalf (Topper)


Icicle 6

Jane Anderson again started first with next Roger Heasman, now bossing the club Bosun, then Adam Hilton’ Solo and Robin Spiller’s Streaker. But more important was the order around the first buoy. With Dam Green so close to the start line and with the wind just west of south and therefore a choice of starting on port and coming up to the buoy on starboard or the other way round, there was plenty of scope for conflict as the fleet all arrived at pretty much the same time. As an example, Roger Heasman, on port, lost time having to dive behind the starboard tacking Nathan Pollard. In any event the leaders as they ran up to Middle emerged as the familiar Anderson, Pollard, Hilton trio. Nathan overtook Jane on the first lap but never got far enough ahead to overcome the handicap difference between  Radial and  Full sails. Penny Abbott (Laser Radial) got pushed well out at Dam Green but asserted herself on the way up the Lake and spent the race at fourth ahead of Robin Spiller. The wind was slightly fresher and lap times went down enough for John Duncalf, running the race, to allow it to run the full four laps – to no avail; no overtaking took place after the first lap! 

1.      Adam Hilton (Solo)

2.      Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)

3.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)

4.      Robin Spiller (Streaker)

5.      Penny Abbott (Laser Radial)

6.      Roger Heasman and Sally Wills (Bosun)

7.      John Dabbs and Jane Chadney (Bosun)

8.      Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

9.      Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)


Many thanks to John Duncalf who was Officer of the Day, to Sue Murray and Bob Sampson who were in the safety boat and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

28th October 2018 race report

Frostbite 5

The Lasers flew little 4.7 sails, John Dabbs helmed a Bosun with small sails and two people crewing and Jane Anderson was cautious in a Topper. Brian Pollard went out in his usual full-sailed Bosun but he too had two crew to help keep him upright. Only Vicki Duncalf, sailing her familiar Topper, made no concession to the very strong winds and stronger gusts. All the single-handed dinghies capsized at least once. It was cold but sunny.

John Dabbs, with Sally Wills and Adam Hilton, made a very good start and set off for West White in close company with Jane Anderson but the Lasers soon passed, Nathan Pollard in front. At the end of the lap it was Jane Anderson third but on the run between Inlet and Middle on lap 2 a powerful gust, perhaps additionally cork-screwed by having gone past two Bosuns, up-ended Jane’s Topper and tossed her into the water. She retired. Brian Pollard overtook the Dabbs Bosun and, on the third and slightly calmer lap, managed to exploit the advantage that his larger spread of canvas offered and get, by the end, a two and a half minutes lead on his competitor.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  3. Brian Pollard, Cilla Gilbert and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  4. John Dabbs, Sally Wills and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
  5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

Retired: Jane Anderson (Topper)


Icicle 5

The winds were much the same for the afternoon race but the gusts had moderated. The fleet was down to five and the Dabbs Bosun complement down to two. The fortunes of the Bosuns were reversed; Brian Pollard had a brilliant start – first over the line – but John Dabbs feared his run to the line would take him over it prematurely. He turned back and started last and from there it took him most of the first lap to overtake the fast starting (but now reefed) Topper of Vicki Duncalf. The Lasers were soon away and planing up the Lake, their hulls barely touching the water. No one enjoys sheer speed as much as a Laser sailor. But it wasn’t Bob Sampson’s day, given the capsizes and the missed buoy; Nathan Pollard led him by a minute at the end.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  3. Brian Pollard, Linda Spiller and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. John Dabbs and Sally Wills (Bosun)

Many thanks to Alan Comber and John Weller who were officers of the day, as well as to Roger Heasman and Robin Spiller who had volunteered to operate the safety boat.

21st October 2018 race report

Frostbite 4


The sun shone, the winds were light and fitful and there were so many boats over the line at the start that there had to be a general recall. There was again one boat over the line on the second start, Alan Comber’s Enterprise (John Weller crewing), but the rest of the ten boats got away with Jane Anderson (Laser Full) in the lead and Sue Murray (Laser Full) close on her transom. Somewhere near the first buoy, Zebra, there was an incident involving Jane Anderson and Jane Chadney (at the helm of a Club Bosun with Paul Petvin crewing). Both did penalty turns. At the top of the course the Anderson and Murray Lasers led with the two Solos of Paul Whybrow and Adam Hilton second and third, Nathan Pollard’s Laser Full fourth, then Robin Spiller’s Streaker, the Bosuns, the Enterprise and the Gull. On the long run back down the Lake from Pinkie to Dam Green the Solos changed places in very slow motion but Nathan Pollard couldn’t overtake and join the leading Laser bunch until the beginning of the new lap. After that the order became more established with the Enterprise the only overtaker. Jane Anderson finished a minute and a half ahead of Sue Murray but Adam Hilton’s Solo was only three minutes behind her and the handicap gave him the victory.

1.      Adam Hilton (Solo)

2.      John Dabbs (Gull)

3.      Jane Anderson (Laser Full)

4.      Paul Whybrow (Solo)

5.      Sue Murray (Laser Full)

6.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)

7.      Robin Spiller (Streaker)

8.      Jane Chadney and Paul Petvin (Bosun)

9.      Alan Comber and John Weller (Enterprise)

10.  Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)


Icicle 4


The Laser fleet went up to five with the addition of Bob Sampson and James Pollard. It dominated the front of the race with Paul Whybrow’s Solo – fourth round the first buoy and then briefly in the lead – as the only intruder. Robin Spiller (Streaker) followed closely and the Enterprise was well placed on much of the first lap with John Dabb’s Bosun (Jane Chadney now crewing) and John Buckett’s Otter not far behind. Bob Sampson started lap 2 inches ahead of Jane Anderson. He remained in the lead. Nathan Pollard eventually got past Jane Anderson and James Pollard made it an all Laser top five over the finish line. The handicap rewarded Paul Whybrow, who’d kept the gap to the leader down to three minutes. Unfortunately Bob Sampson had to be disqualified. He was already round Dam Green and close-hauled on port when Robin Spiller came running towards that buoy on starboard with his boom right out. They clashed but Robin had right of way. 

1.      Paul Whybrow (Solo)

2.      Adam Hilton (Solo)

3.      Robin Spiller (Streaker)

4.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)

5.      Jane Anderson (Laser Full)

6.      Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

7.      Sue Murray (Laser Radial)

8.      John Buckett (Otter)

9.      James Pollard (Laser Full)

10.  John Dabbs and Jane Chadney (Bosun)

11.  Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

12.  Alan Comber and John Weller (Enterprise)

Disqualified: Bob Sampson (Laser Full)


Many thanks to Linda Spiller and John Savage who were officers of the day, to Bob Sampson who volunteered to operate the safety boat and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.  


14th October 2018 race report

Frostbite 3

The morning had been wet and blustery but at noon, as the first race started, the sun came out and the gusts toned down, making for a very nice day’s racing. The winds were from points north of east so the nearest thing to a beating start that James Pollard, race officer on the day, could design was a Home 2 startline aimed at Dam Green, where the usual push and shove took place as fourteen boats tried to go round at much the same moment. Nathan Pollard emerged in the lead on the reach to Zebra and the beat to Inlet. He was closely followed by Bob Sampson in the other full-sailed Laser in the day’s fleet. These two dominated the front of the race and stayed in the lead even when the handicaps were applied. A trio of Laser Radials came along next – Sue Murray’s, Linda Spiller’s and Penny Abbott’s – but between and around them, and having a fine race, was the Enterprise of Alan Comber and John Weller. There were four Bosuns sailing of which Roger Heasman’s (Sally Wills crewing) was the consistent leader, gaining third place after handicapping. And there were two Toppers, Vicki Duncalf’s and Jane Anderson’s, somewhat tangled up in Bosuns, and the familiar yellow-hulled Solo twins of Geoff Floyd and Adam Hilton.

The difference in Topper results between the morning and the afternoon is interesting. It was a bit windier in the afternoon. The morning race (Frostbite 3) was 3 laps and the afternoon race (Icicle 3) was 4 laps.

Rank Class HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 LASER Nathan Pollard 1073 0:40:35 0:37:49 1.0
2 LASER Bob Sampson 1073 0:40:45 0:37:59 2.0
3 BOSUN Roger Heasman Sally Willis 1219 0:46:47 0:38:23 3.0
4 LASER RADIAL Sue Murray 1109 0:43:16 0:39:01 4.0
5 SOLO Adam Hilton 1148 0:44:55 0:39:08 5.0
6 LASER RADIAL Linda Spiller 1109 0:44:49 0:40:25 6.0
7 BOSUN Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert 1219 0:49:44 0:40:48 7.0
8 LASER RADIAL Penny Abbott 1109 0:45:20 0:40:53 8.0
9 BOSUN John Dabbs Jane Chadney 1219 0:49:57 0:40:59 9.0
10 TOPPER Jane Anderson 1330 0:55:57 0:42:04 10.0
11 ENTERPRISE Alan Comber John Weller 1116 0:47:05 0:42:11 11.0
12 TOPPER Vicki Duncalf 1330 0:56:09 0:42:13 12.0
13 SOLO Geoff Floyd 1148 0:50:14 0:43:45 13.0
14 BOSUN Toby Tobias Paul Whybrow 1219 0:55:54 0:45:51 14.0
15 LASER James Pollard 1073 OOD 15.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8


Icicle 3

There were additions to the morning’s fast starters; it was probably Vicki Duncalf first over the line with Jane Chadney (now helming the Commodore’s Bosun with John Dabbs crewing) and Adam Hilton not far behind. But Bob Sampson got round Dam Green first with Nathan Pollard second and they again dominated the race although in the reverse order from the morning. However for a while Nathan fell back to third; it was crucial, in both races, to get between Zebra and Inlet in one tack. If the boat (or it’s helm) couldn’t point high enough places were liable to be lost. This may have been what happened to Nathan’s Laser; in any event he had to overtake the Hilton Solo later in Lap 1. The Laser Radials had their usual ding dong, with Penny Abbott the eventual winner over Sue Murray and Linda Spiller salvaging sixth place on the water after a series of mishaps. Alan Comber’s Enterprise again led the double-handers for much of the race with Jane Chadney in the leading Bosun behind it until the two boats collided at Middle, Jane emerging from penalty turns in front. At the end Adam Hilton’s Solo was only a minute and a half behind Bob Sampson’s leading Laser, little enough for the handicap to give the victory to the Solo.

Rank Class HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 SOLO Adam Hilton 1148 0:54:00 0:47:02 1.0
2 LASER Bob Sampson 1073 0:51:23 0:47:53 2.0
3 LASER Nathan Pollard 1073 0:51:50 0:48:18 3.0
4 TOPPER Jane Anderson 1330 1:04:23 0:48:25 4.0
5 TOPPER Vicki Duncalf 1330 1:04:58 0:48:51 5.0
6 LASER RADIAL Penny Abbott 1109 0:54:23 0:49:02 6.0
7 LASER RADIAL Sue Murray 1109 0:54:27 0:49:06 7.0
8 BOSUN Jane Chadney John Dabbs 1219 0:59:55 0:49:09 8.0
9 LASER RADIAL Linda Spiller 1109 0:56:12 0:50:41 9.0
10 BOSUN Sally Willis Roger Heasman 1219 1:03:14 0:51:52 10.0
11 BOSUN Toby Tobias Paul Whybrow 1219 1:03:57 0:52:28 11.0
12 SOLO Geoff Floyd 1148 1:00:32 0:52:44 12.0
13 ENTERPRISE Alan Comber John Weller 1116 1:00:07 0:53:52 13.0
14 BOSUN Cilla Gilbert Brian Pollard 1219 RET 15.0
14 LASER James Pollard 1073 OOD 15.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8

7th October 2018 race report

Frostbite 2

With very light winds being presented to sailors for the morning race, 13 set off in almost summer-like sunshine.  The fickle winds caused all sorts of problems for everyone at the start – Bob Sampson (Laser) and Vicki Duncalf (Topper) were the wrong side of the line at the start and had to duck under everyone advancing towards the to start their race.  Nathan Pollard (Laser) was first around Dam Buoy, followed by the rest of the fleet in various orders and the flat airs still gave position problems.  Once Vicki managed to cross the line to start (after reversing some of the way!) she made good progress as the wind filled in here and there.

Paul Whybrow (Solo) and John Buckett (Otter) made particularly good progress.   Paul was having a particularly excellent race, sailing along behind the leading Lasers and snapping at their heels.  As the first boats finished, the wind at the upper end of the lake filled in allowing those behind to do an excellent catch-up, and all arrived within a few minutes of each other for lunch!  Paul Whybrow’s persistence and light airs skill gave him first place on handicap!

  1. Paul Whybrow (Solo)
  2. John Buckett (Otter)
  3. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  4. John Dabbs (Gull)
  5. Robin Spiller (Streaker)
  6. Sue Murray (Laser Radial)
  7. Nathan Pollard (Laser)
  8. Linder Spiller (Laser)
  9. Bob Sampson (Laser)
  10. Sally Wills & Jane Chadney (Bosun)
  11. Graham Joyce (Laser)
  12. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  13. Cilla Gilbert & Brian Pollard (Bosun)
  14. Alan Comber & John Weller (Enterprise)


Icicle 2

 The wind had risen slightly over lunchtime and was more usable in the afternoon.  Brian and Cilla (Bosun) were over the line at the start and had to return.  Everyone else managed to get away reasonable cleanly, but it was Sue Murray and Bob Sampson in their Lasers who led the fleet up to West Mark.  Robin Spiller had had an excellent start and was lying in 3rd place in his Streaker, closely followed by Paul Whybrow (Solo) and Nathan and Linda in their Laser full rigs.  On the leg back down to the Dam, Sue Murray confused herself by passing the right side of Zebra mark and then decided that was not right and proceeded to the wrong side of Zebra mark (which then took some unravelling to get her back on track).  We all do it!!  By the end of the first lap the Gull of John Dabbs, John Buckett’s Otter and the 2 Bosuns crossed the line to commence the 2nd lap virtually abreast each other.  Jane Chadney and Sally Wills came to grief in their Bosun hitting Dam buoy.  Nathan sailed an excellent race to finish 2nd to Bob Sampson who took line honours.  However, it was Robin Spiller’s afternoon; he sailed a nice steady race to finish first on handicap!

  1. Robin Spiller (Streaker)
  2. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  3. Bob Sampson (Laser)
  4. Nathan Pollard (Laser)
  5. John Dabbs (Gull)
  6. Sue Murray (Laser Radial)
  7. Paul Whybrow (Solo)
  8. Linda Spiller (Laser)
  9. John Buckett (Otter) and Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  10. Jane Chadney &Sally Wills (Bosun)
  11. Alan Comber & John Weller (Enterprise)
  12. Brian Pollard & Cilla Gilbert (Bosun).

Grateful thanks to Steve Axford for Race Officer Duties and for writing these reports.

30th September 2018 race report

Frostbite 1

There was a lot of wind and cloud and, as they rigged their boats, rain; force 4 gusting to 5, it proved to be.  Some sailors turned up and signed in thinking they would sail their single handed dinghies, but found themselves asking whether they could help crew double-handers.  Those single-handers that did venture onto the water (Robin Spiller’s blew over twice before he’d even got in it) flew small sails, except for Nathan Pollard’s Laser Radial and that was only because he had forgotten to bring his 4.7.  Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) got off to a flyer; not quite as much of a flyer as Roger Heasman’s Club-owned Bosun (Sally Wills and Penny Abbott crewing) which was over the line and got a toot on the starting horn to go back.  Then the horn stuck on and much of the fleet thought it must be a general recall and started back.  But it wasn’t.  Nathan Pollard grabbed the lead and the other Lasers followed, Sue Murray in front of Linda Spiller.  Jane Anderson was the lead Topper in fourth and Adam Hilton (Solo), who’d wasted a lot of time at the start, got himself past the jolly three-up Bosuns, and up to fifth.  John Dabbs with Jane Chadney and Paul Petvin (Bosun) led the other Topper of Vicki Duncalf and the other Solo of Geoff Floyd.  The other two Bosuns brought up the rear.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
  4. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  5. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
  6. John Dabbs, Jane Chadney and Paul Petvin (Bosun)
  7. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  8. Brian Pollard, John Buckett and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  9. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  10. Roger Heasman, Sally Wills and Penny Abbott (Bosun)

Icicle 1

The field was reduced; the Club Bosun that John Dabbs had helmed wouldn’t allow the mainsail to go up the mast!  Brian Pollard and Co. shot over the line first with Sue Murray, Adam Hilton and Nathan Pollard following.  By the time they had rounded Zebra, Inlet and West and were tacking up to Pinkie, Nathan Pollard had taken the lead, way ahead of Sue Murray and a close fought battle between Linda Spiller, Adam Hilton and the Pollard Bosun.  The Toppers followed.  At the end of the lap, Linda Spiller was briefly up-ended, allowing Adam Hilton to get ahead, but not for long.  Her Laser planed past him on the way from Inlet to West, just as it had on lap 1. Jane Anderson missed Zebra, had to go back and work her way up from last which she did, getting up to sixth, but an eleven minute deficit was too great to upset the lead of the front two Lasers even when the handicaps were applied.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
  2. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  3. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  4. Linda Spiller(Laser 4.7)
  5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  6. Brian Pollard, John Buckett and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  7. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  8. Roger Heasman and Sally Wills (Bosun)

Many thanks to Paul Anderson who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

23rd September 2018 race report

Sailboat 7

A cool blustery morning saw only five boats venturing onto the choppy water to sail the final sailboat race.

Jane Anderson (Topper) was smartly off the mark first followed closely by Nathan Pollard (Laser radial) and then the three Bosuns, although Commodore Adam Hilton was in reverse gear for a few moments.

All then tacked up the lake gradually showing an increase in confidence as they became acclimatised to the gusts. Nathan soon got into his stride and forged a good lead as he broad reached back down the lake from the Pinkie buoy. John Dabbs and crew Sally Wills (Bosun) decided to call it a day as Pinkie presented a big challenge with fishermen close by and especially difficult conditions.  Adam Hilton and new member Paul Petvin found this to their cost as they capsized here a few moments afterwards. They quickly righted the boat but retired due to being helped and feeling cold.

The remaining three boats sailed incredibly well in the tough conditions with Nathan keeping his lead, but close on his heels in the final lap were Jane and then Brian Pollard and crew Cilla Gilbert (Bosun) On handicap the results were as follows…

  1. Jane Anderson
  2. Nathan Pollard
  3. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert

Retired: John Dabbs and Sally Wills (Bosun), Adam Hilton and Paul Petvin (Bosun)

Grateful thanks were given to Vicki and John Duncalf for running the race and writing this report and to Mandy Pollard for the photographs.