28th October 2018 race report

Frostbite 5

The Lasers flew little 4.7 sails, John Dabbs helmed a Bosun with small sails and two people crewing and Jane Anderson was cautious in a Topper. Brian Pollard went out in his usual full-sailed Bosun but he too had two crew to help keep him upright. Only Vicki Duncalf, sailing her familiar Topper, made no concession to the very strong winds and stronger gusts. All the single-handed dinghies capsized at least once. It was cold but sunny.

John Dabbs, with Sally Wills and Adam Hilton, made a very good start and set off for West White in close company with Jane Anderson but the Lasers soon passed, Nathan Pollard in front. At the end of the lap it was Jane Anderson third but on the run between Inlet and Middle on lap 2 a powerful gust, perhaps additionally cork-screwed by having gone past two Bosuns, up-ended Jane’s Topper and tossed her into the water. She retired. Brian Pollard overtook the Dabbs Bosun and, on the third and slightly calmer lap, managed to exploit the advantage that his larger spread of canvas offered and get, by the end, a two and a half minutes lead on his competitor.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  3. Brian Pollard, Cilla Gilbert and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  4. John Dabbs, Sally Wills and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
  5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

Retired: Jane Anderson (Topper)


Icicle 5

The winds were much the same for the afternoon race but the gusts had moderated. The fleet was down to five and the Dabbs Bosun complement down to two. The fortunes of the Bosuns were reversed; Brian Pollard had a brilliant start – first over the line – but John Dabbs feared his run to the line would take him over it prematurely. He turned back and started last and from there it took him most of the first lap to overtake the fast starting (but now reefed) Topper of Vicki Duncalf. The Lasers were soon away and planing up the Lake, their hulls barely touching the water. No one enjoys sheer speed as much as a Laser sailor. But it wasn’t Bob Sampson’s day, given the capsizes and the missed buoy; Nathan Pollard led him by a minute at the end.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
  3. Brian Pollard, Linda Spiller and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. John Dabbs and Sally Wills (Bosun)

Many thanks to Alan Comber and John Weller who were officers of the day, as well as to Roger Heasman and Robin Spiller who had volunteered to operate the safety boat.