23rd September 2018 race report

Sailboat 7

A cool blustery morning saw only five boats venturing onto the choppy water to sail the final sailboat race.

Jane Anderson (Topper) was smartly off the mark first followed closely by Nathan Pollard (Laser radial) and then the three Bosuns, although Commodore Adam Hilton was in reverse gear for a few moments.

All then tacked up the lake gradually showing an increase in confidence as they became acclimatised to the gusts. Nathan soon got into his stride and forged a good lead as he broad reached back down the lake from the Pinkie buoy. John Dabbs and crew Sally Wills (Bosun) decided to call it a day as Pinkie presented a big challenge with fishermen close by and especially difficult conditions.  Adam Hilton and new member Paul Petvin found this to their cost as they capsized here a few moments afterwards. They quickly righted the boat but retired due to being helped and feeling cold.

The remaining three boats sailed incredibly well in the tough conditions with Nathan keeping his lead, but close on his heels in the final lap were Jane and then Brian Pollard and crew Cilla Gilbert (Bosun) On handicap the results were as follows…

  1. Jane Anderson
  2. Nathan Pollard
  3. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert

Retired: John Dabbs and Sally Wills (Bosun), Adam Hilton and Paul Petvin (Bosun)

Grateful thanks were given to Vicki and John Duncalf for running the race and writing this report and to Mandy Pollard for the photographs.