5th September 2018 race report

Teatime Tankard/Roger’s Bosuns 7
 Adam Hilton’s Solo crossed the line ten seconds before the horn and had to dodge back leaving Nathan Pollard to start first. He had made the bold choice of a full sail for his Laser on a day when the early steady winds had been replaced by more powerful and gusty ones, which, in their turn, reduced in power as the race went on. The Hilton Solo still managed to be second away but Rob Spiller in his Streaker was close behind and better placed for the beat to Inlet. Something went wrong with his second tack however and both the Solo and the Cilla Gilbert/ Brian Pollard Bosun got round the buoy in front of him. By Far he had retaken third place but never caught the Solo. Indeed the little fleet was increasingly strung out; Nathan had half a lake’s lead over Adam as he rounded Dam Green at the end of lap 1. He lost some of that in the tacks of lap 2 but regained it on the run back from Far and extended it to five eighths of a lap on lap 3! All of which made it particularly galling that the handicap turned his four minute lead over the Solo into a one second deficit!
Cilla Gilbert took the Roger’s Bosun points unopposed.
 Teatime Tankard 7
        1.  Adam Hilton (Solo)
        2.  Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
        3.  Robin Spiller (Streaker)
        4.  Cilla Gilbert and Brian Pollard (Bosun)
Roger’s Bosuns 5
        1.  Cilla Gilbert
Many thanks to Linda Spiller who ran the race.