Small friendly sailing club, based at Upper Tamar Lake, with dinghy racing, cruising and a busy social programme
March 8th 2015 gallery images
The start of the midday race, with five boats and crews heading up the lake into a heavy driving drizzle
Elliot Pomeroy to windward of Vicki Duncalf on what looks to have turned into a beat – the wind, which initially looked to be mainly westerly, turned progressively more northerly during the course of the day
Steve Axford and Bob Sampson on the plane. The duo were never far apart for the whole race, but Steve, who was just behind as they rounded Dam Green on the final lap, managed to snatch victory by a tactical tack in the last few yards
Vicki Duncalf keeping ahead of the Bosun of Adam Hilton and John Dabbs. Note the fisherman in the background, who is so unworried by the chill of a bitter early Spring day, that he’s prepared to stand in the water
Start of the afternoon race: the Bosun has stolen a march on the remainder of the fleet by getting away quickly and well to windward. The streaks of foam on the water show that the wind remained pretty strong
Good telephoto close-up of Elliot Pomeroy, wrapped up against the cold
The Bosun’s excellent start means that it’s still in the lead as it beats up to the first mark at Middle
No early-season rustiness for Sue Murray, who looked very comfortable in her Laser 4.7 – and ended up in the 2nd place