20th September 2020 Race Report

Frostbite 1

Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) and Vicki Duncalf (Topper) were the leaders at the start. Adam Hilton (Solo) had crossed the line before them but he had anticipated the starting signal and had to duck back. The winds were easterly, reasonably consistent and quite strong enough to have sailors sitting comfortably on the gunwale. John Dabbs was doubtful about sailing his Bosun single-handed and was having rigging problems so he joined Colin and Louise Witchel in their Bosun. The sun shone more and more of the time as the day went on.

Paul Anderson (Officer of the Day) had designed a course which went no further north than Middle in order not to further aggravate the fishermen on the Cornwall bank who had already complained about the gig boats that rowed past them. The course made up for this loss by zig-zagging across the middle of the Lake in a manner too complex for the Commodore to follow. He retired. Jane Anderson completed four ten minute laps in the lead.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 39:23 0:35:19
2 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 47:11 0:35:22
3 Colin Witchell Louise Witchell BOSUN 1234 1:07:28 0:54:40
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 RET
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 OOD


Icicle 1

The winds continued pleasant, the sun warm; perfect sailing weather. Anderson, Hilton and Duncalf crossed the line very close together. The Solo was perhaps a touch ahead and got round Dam Green in the lead. The Anderson Laser had taken over by the time they reached Zebra and remained ahead. Vicki Duncalf’s Topper held third place on the water and the Dabbs Bosun fourth. The handicaps promoted the Topper to second by one second!

Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 40:45 0:36:33
2 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 49:18 0:36:57
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 42:17 0:36:58
4 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 56:24 0:45:42
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 OOD

Grateful thanks were given to Paul Anderson who ran the races and took the photographs.