Wednesday 11th May 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Midweek Mug 2

It had been blowing hard and raining. It was still blowing; force three to five the OOD, John Buckett, reckoned. Nobody expected timid sailors to turn up and they didn’t. So two Bosuns took to the water, both with small rigs: Roger Heasman’s with David Perrett as crew and John Dabbs’ with Adam Hilton pulling sheets. Bob Sampson said he would put a 4.7 on his Laser and go over the startline to make the race numbers legal, but once on the water, speed lover that he is, he revelled in the conditions and could be seen planing up and down the Lake, making gibe turns for the heck of it, long after the race had finished!

Roger Heasman started first but he had been overtaken by Bob Sampson before Inlet and had fallen back a minute and a half by the end of lap 1. By the end of the four laps the gap was nearly ten minutes on the water and six on corrected time. John Dabbs followed the Heasman Bosun throughout but the gap between the two boats  was never more than a few lengths and at times, generally as they rounded buoys, they were bow to transom. A good time was had by all.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7l)
  2. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)
  3. John Dabbs and Adam Hilton (Bosun)

Grateful thanks were given to John Buckett for running the race.