Wednesday 9th August 2023 Race Report

Teacake 1

The northwesterly winds were very light, a novelty at Tamar Lake this season. They never quite disappeared so that the fleet never quite stopped moving and the occasional gusts had their usual unjust effect of moving some helms up but leaving others creeping along.
Four boats took the start; the Floyd and Hilton Solos, Graham Joyce’s Laser with his full-sized sail, and Roger Heasman’s Bosun with the owner sailing it on his own. He started first with Floyd and Joyce following and beginning a ding dong battle between the two of them which continued as long as the race lasted. Adam Hilton messed up the start, messed up the first buoy, Zebra, and ended up with a lot of water between him and the rest of the fleet. Fortunately for him, on the second lap, one of the little gusts escorted his dinghy up to the transom of Geoff Floyd’s sister Solo just as he, Floyd, was about to round Inlet. The white Solo emerged on the beat across to West White in front of the yellow one. Graham Joyce’s Laser reached West White a little to leeward and had to tack, thus impeding the Hilton Solo and having to let it past. Roger Heasman was able to keep his Bosun comfortably ahead until the third lap when the recovering Solo overtook. The race ended after nearly an hour and four laps of this short course which went no further north than the middle of the Lake. The handicap restored Roger Heasman to first place, thoroughly deserved after keeping his Bosun ahead of potentially faster boats for so long.

1. Roger Heasman (Bosun)
2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
3. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
4. Graham Joyce (Laser Full)

Ollie started the race and the competitors took their own times. Thanks!

The second race was not run.