29th August 2018 race report

Teatime Tankard / Roger’s Bosuns 6

With the anemometer reading force 4, gusting 5, Nathan Pollard opted for the 4.7 sail on his Laser while John Dabbs and Sally Wills decided on smaller sails for their Bosun.  Although offered a smaller set of sails Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert chose to go out on his full rig.

Nathan got away first, with John Dabbs following quite closely.  Unfortunately a wind switch caught Brian well back from the line and from that moment he was chasing to try and catch the front two boats.

After the first lap the wind abated slightly and became more consistent.  Nathan was never in difficulty, gradually extending his lead over the three laps.  John Dabbs settled down after lap one and was valiantly trying not to let Nathan gain a big enough lead to win on handicap.  Meanwhile. Brian gradually pulled back the distance between the Bosuns and had the race had an extra lap he might well have recovered the deficit.

1.  Nathan Pollard (Laser 4.7)

2.  John Dabbs & Sally Wills (Bosun)

3.  Brian Pollard & Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

There were no results for the Roger’s Bosuns series as no novices were at the helm.