12th August 2018 race report

Barnwell 5

Brian Pollard and Sally Wills in the Bosun were first over the starting line on a day of light westerly winds and grey skies, but Nathan Pollard (Laser Full) and Adam Hilton (Solo) had overtaken by the time they got to Zebra and then James Pollard (Blaze) got past before Inlet.  James had to dispose of two Solos before he could get down to the serious business of chasing his brother. He never succeeded in overtaking the Laser and on lap 2 Nathan Pollard extended his lead. But it was back down to less than a boat length at points on the last lap. The Blaze’s  impossible handicap gave James little credit for his efforts.  Paul Whybrow in the second Solo chased Adam Hilton’s sister boat for a lap and a half before a mishap at Middle put him too far behind to catch up. Behind them Jane Anderson’s Topper led John Dabbs in the Gull, Vicki Duncalf’s Topper and Geoff Floyd’s Solo. These four boats remained very close together – too close; Geoff Floyd had to do a penalty and then retired.

1.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)

2.      Adam Hilton (Solo)

3.      John Dabbs (Gull)

4.      Brian Pollard and Sally Wills (Bosun)

5.      Paul Whybrow (Solo)

6.      Jane Anderson (Topper)

7.      James Pollard (Blaze)

8.      Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

Retired: Geoff Floyd (Solo)


Tamar 8

The wind had dropped and rain was falling as the afternoon race started. James Pollard and the Blaze were first away followed by Sue Murray (Laser Radial) and Adam Hilton, now in his Bosun with visitor Tim Mansfield. A large section of the fleet had to come back over the line having been pushed beyond the limits of the startline. At the top of the course on lap 1 The Blaze was still maintaining its lead as it did for the rest of the race, finishing a minute ahead of the rest, but Nathan Pollard’s Laser Radial had temporarily overtaken Sue Murray, a lead he lost again on the way to West. Some way behind Robin Spiller was finding it hard to get clear of Brian Pollard and Sally Wills’ Bosun, something he achieved in the course of lap 2. The wind, such as it was, was moving ever further westward changing the long close-hauled leg from Pinkie to West into a beat. Geoff Floyd’s Solo had a continuous dice with Jane Anderson’s Topper and both were catching up with the Hilton Bosun, as was the other, Pollard/Wills, Bosun, making up for ground lost at West on lap 2. Both this Bosun and the Topper got past before the end. Geoff Floyd also got past the Hilton Bosun, stayed ahead of Jane Anderson, but ruined it all by a momentary lapse of concentration which took him the wrong side of the buoy at the finish line. Having to come back over start and finish lines seemed to be a special feature of the race!

1.      Jane Anderson (Topper)

2.      John Dabbs (Gull)

3.      Sue Murray (Laser Radial)

4.      Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

5.      Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)

6.      Robin Spiller (Streaker)

7.      Brian Pollard and Sally Wills (Bosun)

8.      James Pollard (Blase)

9.      Adam Hilton and Tim Mansfield (Bosun)

10.    Geoff Floyd (Solo)

Grateful thanks were extended to Roger Heasman the Officer of the Day and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.