by Adam Hilton
Mandy Pollard
Bosuns PLUS 1
Brian Pollard’s Bosun, with Cilla Gilbert as crew, was the first of the Bosun fleet to cross the start line on a day of magnificent sun and generally benign easterly winds, which were nonetheless capable of gusts powerful enough to capsize the unwary. Unfortunately the Pollard/Gilbert Bosun was well to leeward of the rest of the fleet and ended up the last boat to round Dam Green. John Dabbs, with Adam Hilton on the front thwart, was the second Bosun and was able to overtake Jane Anderson’s Topper, which had actually started first, on the way to Dam Green, rounding that buoy first and retaining the lead on the run to West until eventually Bob Sampson, after a modest start, harnessed the speed of his full-sailed Laser, overtook the leading Bosuns and the flying Topper of Jane Anderson and settled into a lead on the water that was not challenged.
Bosuns Race
- John Dabbs and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
- Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
- Roger Heasman and Dave Perrett (Bosun)
- Colin And Louise Witchell (Bosun)
- Jane Anderson (Topper)
- Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
- Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
Retired: Graham Joyce Laser (Full)
Pursuit 1
In Pursuit races the handicaps are applied before the race begins and competitors have staggered start times. Vicki Duncalf’s Topper and the Pollard/Gilbert Bosun were the first to start. A minute later Jane Anderson’s Topper and the Heasman/Perrett Bosun were allowed over the line with the Dabbs Bosun, now helmed by Adam Hilton, starting after five minutes and the fastest dinghies, Bob Sampson and Nathan Pollard’s Lasers, ten and fifteen minutes respectively after the start.
Bob Sampson was able to go through the field and finish first but it was only late on that he managed to get past Brian Pollard and Jane Anderson. For Nathan Pollard the fifteen minute handicap was more than could be overcome; he finished in fourth. The Bosuns helmed by Roger Heasman and Adam Hilton had a race long battle. Vicki Duncalf, upturned by a rogue gust, retired.
- Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
- Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
- Jane Anderson (Topper)
- Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
- Adam Hilton and John Dabbs (Bosun)
- Roger Heasman and Dave Perrett (Bosun)
Retired: Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
Many thanks were given to Sue Murray, Officer of the Day, and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.